Battle of the Brook 2022

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Poquoy Brook Golf



Format - Individual
Best score on 15 holes.  Throw out one Par 3, Par 4, Par 5.

This is a flighted Gross/Net Payout tournament
100% handicap for Net payouts


Tournament Entry Fee $30
•    Entry fee does not include; golf fees & optional side pools. 
•    Pay for golf at
•    DEADLINE FOR ENTRY FORMS AND FEES is Monday the week of the tournament.


Choose your tee option

This event defaults to the White tee box

You may move up or back

Gold Tee - if you qualify

Gold tee players must be 1 of the following--

1) 60+ old AND 15+ handicap

2) 20+ handicap and any age

Blue tees -- anyone can play


Handicap calculated from tee box played.  

This also determines your flight


The maximum handicap for this event is 30.  


All fees must be paid prior to the event.  If they are not paid there is a $10 late fee.  We typically have optional cash side pools on the day of the event.